March 17, 2012

Green for St. Patrick's Day!

I've LOVED the warm winter (can I even call it that?) that Provo has had for the past several months.  (Deepest sympathies to my boarder/skier friends.)  Although it's been relatively warm, there hasn't been much color - just the usual Utah brown/grey/blah palette that accompanies the transition from winter to spring.  However, the past week we've had green things starting to appear!

I planted some daffodil bulbs in the flower bed in the front of our apartment (thanks Mom).  There's obviously some weeds I need to take care of, but look at them coming up!  I've seen lots of daffodils and other flowers around Provo in full bloom already, but these guys are in a pretty shady spot so it might take them a bit longer.

These are some more daffodils I planted in the fall.  This is from a plot nearby my apartment in which I'm 'guerrilla gardening.'  They're further along than the others because they have a sunnier spot. 

Took this one on campus on my way home from school.  (It's been warm enough that they turned the stream back on, as seen in the background.)

Most of the grass has been in brittle greenish-yellow for the past few months, but I found this rogue patch of new soft grass!  So excited for summer...  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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