February 17, 2014

Anniversary III

Oops!  I missed my blog's birthday by 10 days. Here's an update! Click here to view last year's.

total pageviews:  4522

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     2.  The Niece
     3.  What's in a name?

months with the most pageviews:
     1.  November 2013 (502)
     2.  August 2013 (341)
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     4.  April 2013 (249)
     5.  January 2014 (213)

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When the Oscar Nominees were announced last year, I noticed a funny hashtag pop up on Twitter: #OscarNomNoms. An explanation can be found by clicking here (though it incorrectly claims the hashtag was created this year). I know the nominees were announced a while back, but the Oscars haven't happened yet so I think I'm safe. Here are some Oscar Nom-Noms that I came up with for this year:

Mashed Potatoes & Gravity
Frozen Pizza
Nebraskalloped Potatoes

And here are some that I came up with last year:

December 31, 2013


places lived
road trips


talent show numbers

more revolution around the sun

November 23, 2013

If marriage isn't for me, then maybe I don't want it.

I don’t always write about love on my blog, but when I do, it’s usually subtle or cryptic.  That’s not really the case here.

A while back I noticed that a number of my friends shared a blog post on Facebook called “Marriage isn't for you.”  After first reading it, I didn't like it.  After reading it carefully a few more times and taking time to think about it, I still don’t like it.

Before continuing, let me give some context and disclaimers.  The author is married.  The only people I recall that shared and extolled his article are married.  I am single.  Perhaps my views are skewed by my current relationship status.  Perhaps the views of the author of the article are skewed by his.

There are many things in the article that I agree with, but I think the main point holds some scary implications.

So basically, the message I got from reading the blog was that if I want to get married, and I’m not married, then it’s my fault.  I should have just gotten over myself in previous failed relationships and worked harder at making my potential spouse happy.  Even if I wasn't into the girl that much.  After all, it’s not about me or what I want, right?

OK, maybe I took it too far in that last paragraph.  The author clarifies his stand by adding another element:  “love and marriage isn't for you.”  Looking past the grammatical error, we see that love is part of the equation.  After all, if I’m not into a girl that much, I don’t suppose I love her.

That being said, I think that it’s completely fine to want to marry someone because it will make you happy.  2 Nephi 2:25: “Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.”  (I think it’s relevant to quote Mormon scripture here because the author of the blog post is a Mormon, as am I.)  Mormon doctrine teaches that one of the main purposes of this life is to get married and start a family; according to the scripture, another big one is having joy.  The article makes it seem like you’re selfish if loving someone has ever made you happy.

A close friend told me recently that he believes everyone deserves someone who is crazy about them, as far as relationships go.  I agree.  I want to be madly in love with my wife, and I want her to be madly in love with me.  (Wanting this is what’s helped me get through rough patches of unrequited love.)  I'm not naive enough to think that it will be like that in every moment throughout a relationship - I know that there are rough patches.  But "crazy about each other" should be the default.  The blog’s author would probably say that if this isn't the case for either or both parties, you can get married and things will work out if you try hard enough.  Sure, that might produce a functional and even successful marriage, but it wouldn't make me happy.  I don’t want that.

Also, fulfilling someone else’s needs so fully and neglecting your own (as described in the article) could probably result in all sorts of social and psychological identity issues.  The needs of both individuals should be met, and each should focus on improving the relationship between the two, not exclusively on the need of the other one.

Do I have to be married to be happy?  No.
Will getting married increase my happiness?  I certainly hope so!
Will I marry someone because I want to make them happy?  Yes.
Will I marry someone because it will make me happy?  Yes.

October 23, 2013


Punctuality is a huge thing for me. I can't stand being late - I'd rather be 20 minutes early than 5 minutes late. I try my best to be punctual so that I don't inconvenience others, and I get pretty upset when I am inconvenienced by having to wait for them. I know patience is a virtue - it's something I need to work on.

That being said, the plot of the most recent episode ("The Late Show") of one of my favorite shows (Modern Family) centered on everyone being late for a dinner appointment. It made me cringe! I had an uneasy feeling throughout the whole episode. BUT, it was also hilarious, as usual. I had a hard time keeping my laughs silent in the library where I watched it. You can see it here: http://www.hulu.com/watch/545322.

Kudos, Modern Family, for your excellent writers and humor!